
Midway has lost around half a BILLION
dollars in the last 10 years. That's alot of scratch, but considering
the US Economic Bail-out is running around $700 billion, Midway's losses
seem like chump change. But, Midway, alas, is about ready to run its
course, maybe to be absorbed into Microsoft, or Sony, or Electronic
Arts, or a Sarlac. Your games treated me well at times, yet sometimes,
lit seems I would feel the tell-tale tickle of a coathanger on my brain
every now and then. Yes, I've downloaded some stuff I shouldn't have,
but I always reflexively bought the collections and treasures and
various other trappings to alleviate the guilt of doing so. And hey,
remember me? I'm the one who bought BioFreaks!
Their legacy of gaming is sometimes as (arguably) awesome-
Suffering, Hydro Thunder, Total Carnage, Tapper, as it is
poor-Mortal Kombat 4, Mortal Kombat Gold, WWF
Wrestlemania, NBA Showtime - NBA On NBC. Now, the Midway
legacy may finally be what is all that remains of Midway.
Your Cruis'n games, Hydro Thunder, and were nice to see, and ate
quarters like a beast with a voracious appetite. Your Off Road Challenge
and Off Road Thunder brought us back to earth.
Mortal Kombat II and Killer Instinct were counter-balanced by Bio-Freaks
and War Gods. War Gods. Unlimited potential, itty-bitty playing space.
Somebody dumped your Judge Dredd ROM onto the internet. I played it, I
wept, I cried, I laughed harder than I ever laughed before. Insanity
would be poetic diversion, Judge Dredd, even in an unfinished state,
showed how much it would suck when it was finished.
Revolution X. Killer CDs. Aerosmith. Aerosmith? Not a band like GWAR or
even the newer Lordii, but fekkin' Aerosmith is the rebel force? No way,
give me the keys to the Death Star, this rebel force needs an enema.
Terminator 2 was great if not simple, but you somehow lost your way.
With Aerosmith. AEROSMITH!
Licensed Gorf and Pac-Man, awesome old stuff. Kick Man, bizarre but
cool! Such smooth sailing.. wait, what's that dark cloud? Oh, damnit.
Professor Pac-Man. Wait, a clearing! It's Rampage! YES!! Followed by..
Rampage World Tour.
Some sleeper titles here and there- Timber. Strike Force. The Grid.
We forgive you for the Mortal Kombat and NBA Jam and NFL BLitz cheating
sh*tting scumbag AI computer. The first time I ever called a computer an
asshole was watching my butt get slammed constantly in Mortal Kombat II.
Hell shouldn't be too hot for you and your AI, but I can't make any
promises. Purgatory should be long and boring if we're only counting NBA
Ballers and the Blitz games you've soiled my home consoles with, which I
welcomed with open expecting arms. Midway, my prodigal son, what
happened? Well, they've gone to the home systems:
Midway Arcade Treasures..
collections of games is probably the one of the best of the classic collections available for
those of us who enjoy the crusty, old games of our youth, and some
titles before the inception of some of the gamers alive today. The first
title, Midway Arcade Treasures, focuses on the truly crusty
titles. The first collection included 24 titles:
720, a more or less
forgettable skating game
Blaster, a sort-of shmup,
with waves of baddies attacking the screen which doubled as your
Bubbles, a game where you
were a bubble collecting bubbles in a sink, avoiding ants and brooms
Defender and
Defender 2
Gauntlet, the
grand-daddy of dungeon crawling videogames
Joust and Joust 2,
two insanely difficult games that have you, as a knight, controlling
an ostrich, crashing into other knights on buzzards and turning them
into eggs, and fighting the occasional Pterodactyl and avoiding
demon hands from molten lava, with Joust 2 allowing you to change
into a horse and do the same thing.. yep, really.
Klax, an addictive
rectangular block-dropping game
Marble Madness, a labyrinth
game that truly needs a tracball controller, but is otherwise solid
and very difficult
Paperboy, one of the more
difficult, frustrating, annoying games that keeps you coming back to
play, and gives you no joy for success
Rampage, a primitive bulding-bashing
game, where you control a large monster and punch buildings,
airplanes, smash cars, eat people for health- pretty much a destroy
everything game.
Rampart, a forgettable
castle attack game
Road Blasters, a fun and,
yes, difficult racing game with weapons, enemy cars, planes, and
motorcycles, and the wonderful Atari voice insisting you "Watch for
cross traffic!".. say this to any nerd from the 80s about this,
they'll understand what your talking about
Robotron 2084, the game to
blame for all of those dual-joystick control-shoot configuration
rampant throughout the XBLA
Root Beer Tapper, a family
friendly change-over of the popular Budweiser Tapper beer
serving game
Satan's Hollow, a Galaga
type game, I think, maybe a little more like the Galaga game in Gorf
Sinistar, an awesome
8-directional space shooter, where you battle the evil skull ship
Sinistar, who mocks you repeatedly throughout the game and will kill
you often
Smash TV, a great take on
the Running Man theme, killing hordes of enemies for cash and
prizes, and a trip to the elusive Pleasure Dome.
Splat!, which is complete
and total garbage
Spy Hunter, a top-down
driving shooter with the cool sounds of Pete Gunn to keep you
entertained, and another game where you will die quickly and often
Super Sprint, another older
racing game that loses a bit of playability without the steering
wheel and pedal present in the arcade version
Toobin', to my knowledge,
the only inner-tube rally race game in existence
and Vindicators, a fun tank
battle game with controls that put the "FU" in "fun"
These titles are the
really old titles, and I have to admit, they are an acquired taste. But
blowing up things in Smash TV and flinging glasses down a bar in
Tapper never really gets old. And they look old,
which adds half of the charm to the deal.

Midway Arcade Treasures
2 starts to get some of the better titles out there, but also
manages to slide its foot through some of the pure crap that also
started to come out. The distance between the good and bad games on this
disc compared to the first disc are much greater. This disc has 20
A.P.B., a
cartoon police car driving arcade simulator, charging you with
ticketing hitchhikers and litterbugs, and busting several "boss"
Arch Rivals, a
throwaway basketball game
Championship Sprint,
the sequel to Super Sprint
Cyberball 2072,
robot football
Gauntlet II,
more dungeon crawling goodness
Hard Drivin', a
difficult semi-driving simulator that was more or less terrible, but
a look into the polygonal world of gaming
Kozmik Krooz'r,
better left forgotten
Mortal Kombat II
and III, the ultraviolent 2-D fighters that are the two best
of the Mortal Kombat series
super-violent anti-drug videogame
Pit-Fighter, a
very bad game on many fronts: gameplay, graphics, sound, music,
Spy Hunter II,
an alleged sequel to Spy Hunter, somehow taking Road Blasters and
Spy Hunter and mixing it with punk rock and suck
Timber, a cute
throw-away "sequel" to Tapper, this time as an axe man chopping down
trees, and avoiding bears and bees
Total Carnage,
sequel to Smash TV that went above and beyond the ultraviolence, and
threw it in a semi-Persian Gulf War theme with dozens upon dozens of
aliens and Saddam Hussein look-alikes
Wacko, which is
another horrible title
Wizard of Wor,
an ancient game that has you crawling around a maze, shooting
enemies, and the other player, for points
Xenophobe, a
humorous alien infestation game, which looks like it's a take on the
Alien franchise, featuring independently moving split-screens for
multiple players
a third person shooter before the time of first person shooters,
traversing mazes, picking up power-ups and bonuses while trying to
get to the exit
The goods on this disc are many: Mortal Kombat 2
& 3, NARC, Gauntlet 2, APB, Total
Carnage, Xenophobe, and Xybots. The Kombat titles
speak for themselves, except for Stryker in MK3. Stupid fekkin'
character. NARC and Total Carnage take ridiculous fantasy
violence and throw in the kitchen sink. Total Carnage was, of course, a
sort of sequel to Smash TV, and took that blood 12 steps down the lane. Insanely bloody and recognized anti-social simulators, these titles
would get lost in the cloud of blood from videogames of today's
generation, but back in the 80s, holy God, you would have thought the
7th seal was broken. But on top of the blood, NARC showed you
that the only way to deal with drug dealers is to shoot them, blow them
up with rockets, or run them over with a car, while avoiding giant
hypodermic needles that stuck into you, and drained your energy by way
of drugs. There was a forgettable update to NARC on the XBox &
PS2, where using drugs was an option. That may not have been a
good idea, and judging by the sales of the game, and the fact it was
released as a $20 budget title, nobody really noticed. Also, in both NARC and Total Carnage, the carnage was playable by up to two players,
player one being the white guy, and player two being the black guy. No
Midway Treasures 3
is the smallest collection, and least bloodiest. Actually, there is no
blood whatsoever. This is the racing disc, and Midway had some
pretty awesome racing games way back when:
Badlands, Super
Sprint with weapons
Hydro Thunder,
the true gem on this disc that wowed us back in the Dreamcast
Off Road Thunder,
an attempt at off-road racing with monster trucks, with races that
are so long they pretty much suck the fun out
Race Drivin',
sequel to Hard Drivin'
San Francisco Rush
2049 and Rush the Rock, fun racers with lots of shortcuts
and almost uncontrollable speed, with Rush 2049 being a Dreamcast
port along with Hydro Thunder
STUN Runner, a
tube-shooter like Tempest, but with gravity and forward motion
Super Off Road,
what looks like a remote control truck rally race, but which is
actually a full-size truck rally racing game, with options and
power-ups for quicker and better handling cars, and the "nitrous
oxide" boost for those times you need an extra second or two
The two
stand-outs are Hydro Thunder and San Francisco Rush 2049,
all made popular by their excellent translations to the Sega
Dreamcast. Which, by the way, are the versions featured on this
disc. STUN Runner is a pretty good if not questionably
controlled tube-running shooter, a precursor to games such as Nanotek
Warrior or N2O. Be warned, you may really hate STUN Runner. I
mean, really hate it, but not as much as you will hate Race
Drivin'. I hated Race Drivin' when it was released, and hate it even
more now, and I feel justified. It sucked. Time has not taken kindly to
Race Drivin'. But hey, you win some, you lose some. For such a cheap
collection, Hydro Thunder and Rush 2049 are worth the
price of admission.

(clockwise from top left:
Hydro Thunder,
Dreamcast, Rush 2049, Badlands, Off Road Thunder)
We highly recommended each
of these titles, and seeing the prices of them these
days, they are no-brainers. You are sure to find something you like on
each disc.
You can
also find these titles on the XBox Live Arcade: Defender,
Robotron, Smash TV, Paperboy, Gauntlet,
Root Beer Tapper, Joust, and Ultimate Mortal Kombat III.
2007-2014 Four Tokens
Media, a KnarfRoc Effort |